ACPM native podcast rankings in March 2023

ACPM native podcast rankings in March 2023

17.6 million French people listened to podcasts every month in 2022, that’s 17% more than in 2021. Overall, 192 million French podcasts were listened to in November 2022 ( Digimind – Médiamétrie – Global Audio > Focus Podcasts – 2023 ). What is certain is that these figures will continue increasing in the future. What are the most popular French podcasts in this early spring? Let’s take a look at the 10 most listened native podcasts in France at the end of the first quarter of 2023, according to ACPM data.

Who took first place in the top podcasts?

Culture & Society Category:

The first place in the native podcast ranking for March goes to Transfert, a podcast created and produced by Slate Audio. Transfert is particularly appreciated for its ability to give voice to anonymous individuals who share their most intimate experiences. The topics covered in this podcast include moving, funny and compelling stories. In terms of numbers, the podcast surpassed one million downloads in March!

Les Couilles sur la Table is a podcast hosted by journalist Victoire Tuaillon. In each episode, she addresses issues related to masculinity, drawing on testimonials, studies and analysis. The podcast aims to deconstruct and challenge gender stereotypes that affect men and women by addressing sensitive topics such as masculinity or fatherhood. The goal is to educate listeners on issues related to masculinity and to help them better understand the complexities of life. And it’s a success because the podcast entered for the first time the top 10 of the most listened native podcasts in France this month according to ACPM. 

News Category:

Le Parisien‘s Code Source looks at major news events and offers interviews with journalists from the editorial staff who have covered the subject. Like its newspaper, the show covers all topics, whether political, news-related or cultural. This podcast is in fifth place in this ranking, with 676,634 downloads recorded in March 2023.

Every day, the Echos podcast offers a clear and accessible explanation of the country’s latest news. Journalists from the editorial staff, as well as economists, experts and political figures, are invited to share their expertise and their point of view on current events. Host Pierrick Fay guides the discussions and exchanges to provide an in-depth analysis of the topics discussed. The Story is in sixth place with 574,615 downloads as of March 2023.

Health and wellness Category: 

Émotions is a podcast produced by Louie Media, a French podcast production company. This program explores the different facets of human emotions, such as sadness, anger, fear and joy, and their impact on our lives. Every two weeks, explore your inner self and discover how to better navigate it by listening to experts and captivating stories. This podcast closes out this month’s Top 10 native CPMA podcasts. 

Awaken your consciousness with Anne Ghesquière’s podcast as she and her guest of the day take you on a journey of discovery of positive and engaging themes. Each episode of Métamorphose, éveille ta conscience ! fueled by a holistic vision of heart, body and mind harmony. The podcast is a regular on the ACPM’s list of most downloaded podcasts in France this month, with nearly 921,871 downloads.

Somnifère is a really atypical podcast because the goal is not to listen to it until the end… Composed of two parts, with a short story and a light relaxation session, everything is done to gently fall asleep. More and more people fall asleep in France with this podcast in their ears, nearly 46 000 new downloads recorded in one month! 

Other Categories:

Bliss Stories, the special maternity podcast: in 2018, Clementine Galey launched a weekly podcast that deals with pregnancy and motherhood in a comprehensive way. Anonymous guests as well as personalities such as Louane, Laurie Peyret or influencers Rym and Vincent are invited to talk freely. Bliss Stories completes the podium of this ranking with 931 139 downloads this month. 

Crimes – Histoires Vraies is a podcast that explores real-life crime stories that are often overlooked by the general public. Each episode tells a true story, whether it’s a murder, a kidnapping or a fraud case. The podcast focuses on the psychology of the criminals and victims, examining the root causes of these tragic acts, and takes fourth place in this month’s rankings. 

Dans la tête d’un coureur is the first French podcast dedicated to running. This weekly program explores the world of running, focusing on the mental and emotional aspects of this sport. Personal experiences are shared and professionals discuss mental preparation, nutrition and recovery. Dans la tête d’un coureur is a great podcast for running enthusiasts and has reached nearly 483,000 people this month.

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