Advertising, brand content, future cars: key learnings from the 5th edition of Innov’Audio

Advertising, brand content, future cars: key learnings from the 5th edition of Innov’Audio

On Wednesday, December 7th, 2022, was held the 5th edition of the Innov’Audio, organized by the ACPM in partnership with Médiamétrie. Advertisers, advertising agencies, podcast publishers, and content producers were present around eight round tables and various keynotes to take stock of innovations in the audio market.

This edition began with the presentation of 10 key figures about audi, by ACPM and Médiamétrie, which conducted an online survey on 4,074 Internet users aged 15 and over in 2022.

  1. 82% of Internet users over 15 years old, listened to at least one audio content every day in 2022.
  2. Audio listening is segmented, with radio topping the list with 53% of audio listening. Streaming music accounts for 23% of listening, and in last place, podcasts, with 6% of the listening share.
  3. In France, direct online radio has an average of 200 million certified listens a month, across all channels (computers, smartphones, connected speakers, TV, etc.), which is 30% more than in 2019.
  4. Listeners spend an average of 41 minutes per day.
  5. Almost half of the time (47%) spent listening to radio online is on a mobile screen (phone, tablet). 23% do so on a computer and 13% via a connected speaker.
  6. Radio is consumed by a large population: 53% are between 15 and 49 years old, 37% are CSP+ and 49% use a voice assistant.
  7. Regarding podcasts, there was an increase of +15% of radio podcast downloads (replay and native) in October 2022 compared to October 2021, and +17% of native podcast downloads over the same period.
  8. 3 platforms concentrate the vast majority of usage: Apple Podcast accounts for 41% of usage, 25% for Spotify, 8% for Deezer, 5.5% for Google and 4.5% for Podcast Addict.
  9. Most podcasts ensure regular publication, 8 out of 10 downloads are from podcasts that publish at least 1 episode a week.
  10. Podcast consumers are loyal: 56% of podcast listeners regularly listen to podcasts and share them (79% of them).

For his keynote “The digital audio barometer”, Denis Gaucher, CEO France at Kantar Media, explained that there has been an explosion in the use of digital audio among advertisers. In fact, between January and September 2022, 850 advertisers switched to digital audio, an increase of +93% compared to 2021. According to him: “there are many advertisers who communicate on the radio or other audio channels. Today, in communication plans, audio is systematically integrated.”

On the automotive side, Laurent Worms, Manager of Audio Strategy at Renault, spoke about the role that audio plays in the design of the car of the future for the brand: “we are very interested in immersive audio experiences at Renault. The car will be able to take into account all the micro-information, including the passengers’ mood. The objective will be to generate the best experience on board”. He also recalled that the Zoe model was one of the pioneers in audio signaling with the implementation of a unique sound print that is able of alerting pedestrians and thus connecting the vehicle to its environment.

The expansion of audio, whether through radio, podcasts or streaming, affects all sectors. Brands are multiplying their investments, especially in advertising. Audio is the most efficient way to consume informative or entertaining content more freely, and it is also the medium considered the most intimate and impactful by listeners.

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