Dive Into Brand Journalism: Try It Out, Attend the First Annual Summit Conference, and Get Relevant Work Experience

Dive Into Brand Journalism: Try It Out, Attend the First Annual Summit Conference, and Get Relevant Work Experience

Relaxnews has made news its business for roughly the past 20 years. Our experience as a media source and news agency has transformed over time, and our services are increasingly employed by brands, either for content marketing or brand journalism.

This past year, we’ve noted a few different trends: “fake news,” “company-gate,” otherwise known as what happens when customers lose faith in their brands, and rising questions on data management practices (i.e. GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation). The common link between these various phenomena is this: brands need to regain credibility, fast. And we have found that, in many cases, brand journalism can be the solution.

However, we understand that not everyone understands brand journalism’s important function, and, even if they do, that they may not currently have the time or internal resources to devote to it. So we thought up a solution: as we close the chapter on this year, we’d like to help brands begin writing next years. Over a span of 30 days, effective November 16, Relaxnews is making brand journalism more accessible with “The 30 Editorializer Days.”

During the 30-day campaign, Relaxnews is making brand journalism more accessible.

First, we’re providing special offerings for our editorial services so you can try it out. Second, we’re hosting the first annual “Brand Journalism Summit” on December 1st, where brand experts and media experts will dialogue together on the best practices, necessary tools and talents, and what’s to come. Third, we’re offering talented individuals the chance to tap into this new career opportunity in 2018 and work on the brand journalism “task force” inside of Publicis Groupe.

How to get started with Brand Journalism: Try It Out for 30 Days Before You Commit

30 is the magic number. We like to round things off right, so we’ve crafted our special offers around a 30. For 30 days, you can get access to the following:

  • 30% off of My Calendar 2018, your editorial calendar for 2018. It’s a content manager’s best friend, filled with key dates (international events, newsworthy topics, and dates you should know) so that you can plan your communication strategy around topics that audiences will be looking forward to.
  • 30 AFP Relaxnews articles (which all come with a photo and/or video illustration that you have the rights to reuse) from the “my editorializer” platform for 500€ (before tax). Use these articles to supplement your communication and content production through the end of the year and into next.
  • 30% off your year-long subscription to My Editorializer, the best brand journalism solution, so that you can inspire your content creation, anticipate upcoming trends and communications, monitor ongoing conversation, and source, produce and publish editorial content.
  • Unlimited access to the My Editorializer platform for a week (read: as much content as you can consume and publish in a week) for 300€ (before tax).
  • 30 minutes of editorial consulting FOR FREE. Because we understand that getting started isn’t easy, we’ll sit down with you and run through an “editorial check-up” together, to examine your current content strategy and contextualize your editorial needs.
  • 30 invitations to the first annual Brand Journalism Summit (read more about that below)
  • 30 spots in an “Editorializer Master Class”, a dedicated training for those who are serious about leading the brand journalism initiative at their company. Interested participants should register on the event page and specify their interest in the question box.

To learn more or inquire about the offerings, send us a message here.

The First Annual “Brand Journalism Summit”

This summit conference will be taking place in Paris, the birthplace of the news agency (a concept established by Charles-Louis Havas in 1835), and, in the spirit of the “French Tech,” invites French-speakers and experts to engage with brands. This first event will be free and held on an invite-only basis, restricted to a smaller audience size in order to promote and facilitate the dialogue.

The conference will take place Dec. 1 from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM, followed by “editorial audit” sessions for brands who wish to stick around and engage in a workshop-style session with an expert from Publicis Groupe, as well as “speed-dating” style interviews for potential task-force members. We’ll be discussing what brand journalism is and how to become a “brand editor-in-chief,” brand journalism ethics, best practices, case studies, impacts, the role and use of data, 2018 projections and trends (including the integration of machine learning – or artificial intelligence), and more.

Speakers on the topics linked to brand journalism include Agathe Bousquet, President of Publicis France, Valérie Henaff, CEO of Publicis Worldwide, Gautier Picquet, CEO of Publicis Media France, Scott Donaton, former editor-in-chief of Ad Age, current Chief Content Officer of Digitas LBI and leader of the Publicis Brand Journalism Task Force, Hugues Le Bret, President of French Fintech “Compte Nickel”, acquired by BNP Paribas this year, and others.

Relaxnews will be live-covering the event on social media, and you can follow along on our Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts.

To request an invitation or get more information about the event, check out the event page (heads up, it’s in French!).

Calling All Talent: Want to Join the Brand Journalism Task Force?

We’re creating jobs and taking names! Strong brand journalism requires talent, training, and experience, and we want to develop a career path for talented individuals who are interested in trying it out. In the afternoon of December 1st, following the Brand Journalism Summit Conference, our recruiters and current members of the brand journalism task force will be there to go on “speed dates” with talented candidates who want to work on advancing brand journalism at Publicis Groupe.

We’re looking for web designers, video editors, journalists, infographic designers, editors-in-chief, data managers, business developers, and marketers. If you love brand journalism, love a challenge, and want to help cultivate brand journalism from within Publicis Groupe, we invite you to send us your CV and a short description of why you’re interested.

In honor of this initiative, Relaxnews has opened 30 internship positions to form young professionals and is accepting general applications for freelancers and future “brand journalists.” It should be noted that brand journalism, though at the service of brands, remains journalistic, news-oriented work.

If you’re interested in applying, send your application to job@relaxnews.com.

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