ETX Daily Up wins the Grand Prix Stratégies de l’innovation média 2021 award

ETX Daily Up wins the Grand Prix Stratégies de l’innovation média 2021 award

Launched in December 2020, the 100% audio augmented news platform ETX Daily Up has just won the Grand Prix Stratégies de l’innovation média 2021 – “Best launch or revamping of digital platform” category. ETX Daily Up has been entirely designed to reinvent the consumption and access to news and to become the leader of the revoluSOUND.

What is the RevoluSOUND?

The RevoluSOUND is the new power of voice. Podcasts are just the tip of the iceberg. The desire and need of Internet users to be able to read as well as listen to content is now more present than ever. Simultaneously, the rise of voice command is also changing the way information is consumed. For media and brands, it represents a new challenge. This is what motivated ETX Studio to imagine and design this platform, which transforms all written content into audio, in just a few clicks.

ETX Daily Up is at the forefront of lifestyle changes. In partnership with AFP, the augmented audio platform offers thousands of written and audio articles on these changes and new uses. Available in a multitude of languages (French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Mandarin, Hebrew, Arabic, etc.) and accents thanks to the Microsoft Azure technology, ETX Daily Up reaches millions of readers, Internet users, and listeners worldwide.

? You want to join the revoluSOUND and switch to audio? Get your free 15-day access or contact us directly at:

To watch or re-watch our webinar “How to successfully transform your written content audio?”
? click here.

See you soon on ETX Daily Up!

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