ETX Studio launched ETX Daily Up, its 100% audio augmented news platform.

ETX Studio launched ETX Daily Up, its 100% audio augmented news platform.

On December 8th, ETX Studio launched its latest innovation, ETX Daily UP, a 100% audio augmented news platform. A unique solution designed in partnership with AFP and Microsoft, to enhance your audio & video content and inform your audience #BetterDifferentlyLess.

ETX Daily Up allows you to transform any text into an audio story, in just a few clicks. It is the perfect tool to reinvent and enhance the impact of all your content: newsletters, articles, press reviews…

This world premiere was unveiled during 4 live shows on December 8th at 9 am, 3 pm, 5 pm for the English sessions and 11 am in French (CET). 


15 min – Editorial transformation of the media in the COVID context: changes in lifestyles for living better, differently, with less; new practices and the powerful rise of sound.

15 min – Achieve your Revolu-SOUND by combining AI and quality information. Worldwide launch of ETX Daily Up, the 1st 100% audio augmented news platform for living better, differently, with less.

15 min – Q&A – AI at the service of your strategy to massify your audio production and customize your content distribution.


Jérôme Doncieux – CEO & Founder, ETX Studio

Cécilia Gabizon – VP & Chief Content Officer, ETX Studio

Patrice Monti – Sales and Marketing Director, AFP

Bertrand Pecquerie – Former CEO of Global Editors Network

Want to be one of the platform’s first users? Enjoy our launch offer.

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