Interview with Belinda Rowe about the Importance of Content at Publicis Media

Interview with Belinda Rowe about the Importance of Content at Publicis Media

“Content is now central to our clients marketing needs”

May 10-11, the content experts of Publicis Media met in Paris to discuss current capacities of the practice and the potential for growth. The conference was put on by Belinda Rowe, Global Head of the Content Practice and Mark Waugh, MD of the Content Practice.

Interview with Belinda Rowe:

  1. Why was the Publicis Media Content summit in Paris?

    France has one of the largest content practice’s in Europe and has the perfect collaborative venue with the very creative space of Place des Genies.

  2. How is content important for Publicis?

    Content is now central to our clients marketing needs and therefore for the Groupe.

  3. What were the key learnings of this summit in terms of market trends?

    We now have a powerful content marketing capability with strong leaders across the network. Our teams are able to advise our clients on content marketing strategy for their business and brands which is one of the key clients’ needs as they navigate the space.
    We also have the ability to now develop creative and compelling ‘always on’ and customised content supported by a strong content ROI proportion. It is a dynamic space so the great part of the summit was everyone’s contribution to developing this offering that will be uniquely competitive to unleash! We had speakers from many countries contributing to our evolution.

  4. How and why is editorial strategy, editorial creation and editorial technology a strategic part of the reflection on content creation?

    Part of our offering is the need to provide clients customised content tailored for their owned channels whether that’s for client’s regular customer communications and channels or for us as part of events.

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