Relaxnews, AFP and Publicis Media Reveal My Editorializer

Relaxnews, AFP and Publicis Media Reveal My Editorializer

Be there for the reveal of my editorializer, an innovative new platform brought to you by Relaxnews in partnership with AFP and Publicis Media with the ambition of being the best brand journalism solution.

The platform provides editorial-grade content aggregation, creation and distribution services. It’s perfect for:

  • Media & Brands
  • E-commerce
  • Marketing
  • Food & Agribusiness
  • Native Advertising
  • And More

The platform is smart, thanks to its status as a news agency, over 2,000 journalists and its editorial consulting services, fast, keeping up with latest trends and staying on top of hot news, and reliable, with over 30,000 verified sources and a strong foundation in journalistic ethics.

Discover the best brand journalism solution, which consists of a surveillance tool that aggregates buzzing topics and provides you with keyword data, sources relevant editorial content for publication, offers live chatting and consultations with editorial consultants, and distribution of content onto owned channels or personalization and integration into paid.

Following the launch at Viva Tech 2017, the platform will be available in 150 countries. Learn more about the possibilities: stop by the Publicis lounge, where Relaxnews will host speed dating for the platform throughout the three days of the conference, set up an interview with one of our execs, and/or attend the official product launch at 11am on June 16.

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