10 Posts for Content

5 platforms to host your podcasts

5 platforms to host your podcasts

14 June 2023

Creating content is great, making it widely available is even better! To broadcast a podcast, you’ll need a host to publish your content and make it accessible to everyone. The podcast host is the platform that will store your content, and there are hundreds to…

5 ways to boost your content strategy in 2023

5 ways to boost your content strategy in 2023

17 May 2023

1) AI, a powerful tool to save you time AI’s advantages are varied and bring significant value to content creation. For starters, AI stands out for its unique ability to generate ideas and insights. With its learning and data processing capabilities, it can analyze information…

5 reasons to add audio to your digital strategy

5 reasons to add audio to your digital strategy

17 February 2023

1) Audio: a trending format  Audio is considered the trendy format of the moment. With the growing popularity of podcasts, audiobooks and audio streaming services, people are also spending more time listening to content than reading or watching it. This trend is fueled by the…

Native podcast: analysis of French consumption in 2022

Native podcast: analysis of French consumption in 2022

10 November 2022

2022 has been a year full of events: the gradual exit from Covid, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the French presidential elections, monkeypox, high inflation, weather disasters… There is one common concern: purchasing power. In fact, in September 2022, 48% of French people claim it is…

Why is audio learning booming?

Why is audio learning booming?

11 August 2022

The power of audio is huge: it is a mobile media, consumable everywhere, in the car, at home, at the gym, and on any device: smartphone, computer, connected speakers. It saves time and frees the eyes from the omnipresence of screens and digital fatigue. It…

How To Anticipate 70% of Your Content Production

How To Anticipate 70% of Your Content Production

7 November 2018

Basing editorial strategy on events chosen for their value and influence makes it possible to anticipate up to 70% of content production while remaining in sync with the informational interests of audiences. In a world where information is transported around the globe in less than…

What You Missed at the First Annual “Paris Modes Talks & Reviews”

What You Missed at the First Annual "Paris Modes Talks & Reviews"

19 April 2018

The “Paris Modes Talks & Reviews – Twist the luxury codes” took place at the Publicis Bastille campus on Thursday, April 12th. The event featured nearly 20 speakers that explored the transformation of luxury brands through means of story-selling, newest success models that have emerged…