3 Posts for Content Strategy

What’s the Difference Between Content Marketing and Brand Journalism?

What’s the Difference Between Content Marketing and Brand Journalism?

10 November 2017

Some sources say that content marketing and brand journalism are interchangeable terms, synonymous with other terms like “brand storytelling” or “inbound marketing,” but that’s not quite true. In the same way that the lead journalists of Süddeutsche Zeitung, Bastian Obermayer and Frederik Obermaier, who recently…

Funny Story: Relaxnews Won a Client Thanks to NewsCred

Funny Story: Relaxnews Won a Client Thanks to NewsCred

6 October 2017

Funny story, our new client Sylvia Powell, Managing Director of Kempstone Media in London, recently shared that she had learned about Relaxnews from an article written by NewsCred. After talking with Powell, we saw the real-life benefits of our freemium subscription model; for an affordable price,…

How is AI Changing Your Customers Expectations?

How is AI Changing Your Customers Expectations?

22 September 2017

Technology continues to change the way we interact with and experience the world, and the pace of innovation is so rapid that it can be hard to keep up. At Relaxnews, we’re interested in connecting tech trends to our work on content creation and we…